Don’t Blame the Looking Glass

Sem Onyalo
1 min readMay 12, 2019


Watching Jack Dorsey’s TED interview was cringe-worthy. Dorsey was not the problem. It was the questions he was getting that was so irritating. I don’t blame the interviewers though. Rather, I blame their expectations on social media companies.

Imagine I invented a new pair of high-tech, state of the art glasses that allows you to see beyond the human visual spectrum. After using it for six months you come back to me and tell me that I’ve invented such an amazing product. You now appreciate the world in a whole new way. But there’s a problem. You are noticing germs in your house that you never knew existed. Fix the glasses to make the germs go away.

The glasses, like social media, is a tool. It doesn’t create dirt, it exposes it. If you don’t like what social media platforms are showing you, then put on the rubber gloves and start scrubbing.

